F8 Conference Demos

The following product concepts aim to showcase Facebook's work with AI in a way that aligns with their mission—make the world a more connected and open place. The themes we were tasked with focus on were around news, bringing people together and any other relevant applications of our choice.
This work was to set the foundation for a further 12 demos that would form part of Facebook's AI marketing, with the finale being a live demo at Facebook's F8 conference. These concepts were conceived and researched with a plan for which technology would be used to execute these demos.
Unfortunately, Facebook canceled the entire project due to internal priorities changing shortly after our initial presentation at their headquarters.
Concept, creative direction, art direction
Artem Sologub, Ericka Nicks, Kristofer Forsell, Michael Hoang
This work was to set the foundation for a further 12 demos that would form part of Facebook's AI marketing, with the finale being a live demo at Facebook's F8 conference. These concepts were conceived and researched with a plan for which technology would be used to execute these demos.
Unfortunately, Facebook canceled the entire project due to internal priorities changing shortly after our initial presentation at their headquarters.
Concept, creative direction, art direction
Artem Sologub, Ericka Nicks, Kristofer Forsell, Michael Hoang
Equal EducationAcross the world, especially in rural areas, dropout rate is still a withstanding social issue. One of the reasons that children fail to keep up with their classwork is due to the lack of after-school assistance and personalized support.
Equal Education is an AI-powered mobile application that gives students around the world access to personal tutoring whenever and however they need it.

Find Your VoiceVoice is a powerful medium for expressing ideas. Yet, in this day and age, this could be considered a luxury for some. We wanted to find a way to use AI not only to give people a voice (literally), but also to create a common platform for everyone to express themselves creatively regardless of their physical limitations.
Find Your Voice is an AI-powered mobile application that transforms non-verbal communication into a visual and audible experience for people with speech limitations, allowing both sides of the conversation to contribute to the discussion.

Facebook SpectrumMore apparent in recent years than ever, the output of news and informational articles has taken a somewhat polarized turn, turning a discussion from a form of deducing insights into a contest of “being right.” This refrains members of communities from having constructive debates and takes away the collective knowledge required for society to advance.
With the help of AI, Facebook Spectrum is a web extension that puts a microscope on your daily news/article consumption; flagging out biases as well as persuasion tricks, at the same time, giving you concise and insightful takeaways from both sides of a discussion.